Monday 18 June 2007

1st day of work

Had first day of work today. We moved into things pretty quickly...

We started off with some orientation information and then observed a lesson. The rest of the day consisted of us newbies being each paired up with an instructor, sitting in on lessons, and gradually participating more and more... For the last lesson, we were each required to teach the second half of a lesson.

Lessons are 40 minutes long and are designed to get students talking to each other as much as possible. We guide them through the different stages of the lesson (warm up, introducing the lesson theme, listening and speaking activities etc.) and monitor and correct their grammar, intonation, sentence structure etc. After the lesson, you are given 10 minutes to write some feedback in each of the students' files, then have a ten minute break defore the next lesson.

It was a pretty full on day, but i think it's a matter of practice, and after a while, should be able to do it in my sleep. I have to teach a full lesson tomorrow. Only 2 more days of training, then i start proper work on Thursday.

Ok, i'm off to bed. Later

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