Friday 6 July 2007

Vending machines in my neck of the woods

According to the ever reliable Wikipedia, "Japan has the highest number of vending machines per capita, with about one machine for every 23 people".

Walking back to my apartment from the train station today, i decided to count vending machines. There were 15 vending machines on the side of the street i was walking (it's divided by a traffic island so difficult to count both sides at the same time). This walk is about half a kilometre and takes me about 7 minutes. If we assume that the other side of the street has a similar number of vending machines, we get 30 machines on a single street, within a 500m stretch...

or 1 machine roughly every 16m...


Unknown said...

Lol. Did you go to wikipedia first, or were you bored and decided to count the vending machines while walking home?

Anonymous said...

The real question is what do the machines sell?

The usual softdrinks? The slightly more exciting alcohol and cigarettes? Or the jackpot: PORN?